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Benefits of Gratitude

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” – Eileen Caddy

If the COVID 19 has made you more stressed, the long hours at home without any personal time have strained the emotional relationships, has made it difficult to sleep, and you are looking for a solution – science has a solution for you! By expressing gratitude, you can improve many of the attributes that will make life happier and meaningful.

  • Practice Gratitude to strengthen relationships:

Being locked in at home has its challenges. We have increased expectations from others, and sometimes our actions and contributions get unnoticed. Just by saying “Thank you” at any opportunity is one way to ease up the relationship strains, which will make us all happier.

  • Practice Gratitude to Reduce Stress: Stress is everywhere in our life. Work problems, health and well-being of family members, 2020 elections, and COVID 19 are sources of stress. There is no easy solution for any of these. By building a lifestyle of gratitude, you can manage most of your life stress. Saying thank you to the first responders, the delivery person, and the mailman will make you feel that you are not alone, and we are in this together. Reducing stress will also keep you healthy and even increase your immunity to many illnesses.

  • Practice Gratitude to improve your self-esteem: One of the fantastic benefits of expressing gratitude is an increase in self-esteem. Suppose the pandemic has hurt your self-esteem for various reasons, including missing the professional work environment, the opportunity to dress professionally, or enjoying a lovely evening at restaurants. Self-esteem is what you think of yourself. If you practice gratitude, your thoughts are positive, and it helps improve your self-esteem.

  • Practice Gratitude to boost energy:

If you are experiencing low energy, it may be because you might be under significant stress or not getting enough exercise. When these are the causes, making simple lifestyle changes and expressing gratitude for all the things you have will motivate you to get back to exercising and reduce stress. Together with exercise and reduction in pressure will cause a significant boost in your energy levels.

  • Practice Gratitude to improve your sleep:

If you are having trouble sleeping? Make giving thanks to practice. Expressing gratitude helps reduce stress and helps develop positive thoughts that relax the mind and help fall asleep and make sleep more relaxing.

Practicing gratitude changes your frame of mind. It helps you build a meaningful life and bring sustained happiness in your life. It makes it easy to build a relationship, makes you calm, and increase your patience, which are all the attributes of a successful manager at work, a satisfied employee, or a kind and happier person for others in your life. So what are your waiting for…Start practicing gratitude and get on the Happiness Track!

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Susmita Banerjee

Instructional Designer


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