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Gratitude in the Workplace

"What do you say?" Something we all remember our parents asking us as a child anytime someone was nice to us; parents put a lot of effort into teaching kids to say "thank you." We all know showing gratitude is important however, when it comes to work environment, yet it is something we often forget to follow.

According to a multi-year project sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation, which surveyed 2000 Americans concluded that people are less likely to express gratitude at work than anyplace else. It showed they are not even thankful for their jobs and rank it last in their list for which they are grateful.

Interestingly, the same survey responders also reported that saying "thank you" to colleagues made them feel good. Expressing gratitude at work is not only good for the employee; it is also good for the employer, and most employers know that. Employers are now providing various ways for employees to express gratitude to each other. By having a work environment where gratitude is encouraged, the employee feels respected for their work and gives them a purpose and motivation.

Building a work environment where gratitude is part of the culture is not easy, but it is achievable through some small company culture changes. Below are a few tips:

1. Make it as an essential character for the company leadership

Our leaders should practice what they preach. To build a company with a culture of gratitude, it must start at the top, and the employees tend to follow the leader. By watching the company leadership practicing the acts of gratitude, each and every member of the organization will have to do their part, and this will start a company towards building a culture of gratitude, where each and every employee feels valued.

2. Thank the less appreciated employees

Every company has a silent group of employees who do most of the work without getting enough appreciation. Most of us wonder why we need to thank someone for doing their job. Gratitude is the best non-monetary way to encourage and motivate people in any workplace. By saying "Thank you" to the employees who rarely get the limelight will make them feel valued and help with the company's bottom line and employee retention.

3. Say "Thank You" more often and make it more meaningful

Thank your colleagues more often and take the time to express gratitude in a meaningful way by sending them a card (digital or physical) accompanied by a personal note for why you are thankful.

A company with a culture of gratitude has many benefits. It makes it a better place to work, which helps with productivity, employee retention, and attracting new talent to the company.

In my next blog, I am looking forward to discussing the other benefits of gratitude at the personal and societal levels.

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Susmita Banerjee

Instructional Designer


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